Brandon Hill Chamber Orchestra 25th Anniversary Concert

Catherine and Nerissa are delighted to be playing with the Brandon Hill Chamber Orchestra in their Anniversary concert at St Georges, Brandon Hill, Bristol. on Saturday 4th February. BHCO is celebrating 25 years of music making and Grant LLewellyn is conducting the concert with Tom Poster as the piano soloist. Catherine is looking forward to leading the orchestra and is excited to be working with Grant again.

2 thoughts on “Brandon Hill Chamber Orchestra 25th Anniversary Concert

  1. nerissa calvert

    Still got a smile on my face from memories of Saturday’s concert: Brandon Hill Chamber Orchestra at St Georges. It was so inspiring to have Grant conducting us again and fantastic to have Cath leading the orchestra. SUCH a good way to spend a Saturday and can’t think of a better way to celebrate 25 years of the Brandon Hill Chamber Orchestra… Here’s to the next 25 years and I hope I am lucky enough to play in this brilliant orchestra for many years to come

  2. nerissa calvert

    Still have a smile on my face remembering Saturday night’s concert at St Georges: Brandon Hill Chamber Orchestra with Grant Llewellyn and Tom Poster. SUCH a good way to spend a Saturday and I can’t think of a better way of celebrating 25 years of the Brandon Hill Chamber Orchestra. It was so inspiring to have Grant back conducting us again and fantastic that Cath was leading… Here’s to the next 25 years! – I hope to be involved in this brilliant orchestra for many years to come 🙂

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